Guiding the Errant - My responsibility?
I have recently been dealing with the issue of what, exactly, my responsibility is as a Christian. I've decided it isn't proselytizing, but I've also decided it isn't 'making' others conform to my interpretation of the Bible. As Christians, we read and study God's Word, commentaries on God's Word, and study books on God's Word. As we study these different media regarding the Word, we develop opinions which, at some point, become beliefs, convictions, and philosophies. Some are WAY off base (as with the wise men at the manger) and some are pretty universally accepted within Christendom (as with the virgin birth). In between, however, lies the vast expanse of 'opinion'. And, within that expanse, are the opinions of well learned scholars and the opinions of obstinate, ignorant oafs. I mean no ill will toward anyone but, to be honest, there are many professing Christians who devote NO time to the study of God's word, but are still willing to proffer opinions about the Bible - often based simply on what someone else has told them.
As anyone who spends any time at all in 'blogosphere' will realize, the blogworld is a fascinating place to witness this phenomenon. There are, in blogworld, bloggers whose Biblical prowess ranges from not being able to quote John 3:16 (i.e. pretty ignorant of things Biblical) to those who are PhD or DDiv professors in Christian universities. And, as most are aware, people are often VERY defensive of their own beliefs/convictions and are easily offended when someone else disparages these strongly held beliefs.
One particular blog I frequent has, as a ground rule, 'no attacking the blogger - just the issue'. On some level, however, isn't even an attack on someone's dearly held belief an attack on that person? For instance, it is easy for me to get offended when someone refers to the doctrines of Grace as a 'radical 5-point belief'. Am I radical? I don't think I am, but others may take issue with my perception of myself. :)
At any rate, I have become keenly interested in what my responsibility is with regard to helping others along the road to Spiritual wisdom. And, over the past few weeks, as I've studied how Christ responded to similar situations, I've begun to understand that it is not my repsponsibility to make sure others have 'good doctrine' - that's God's responsibility. Christ said that the Holy Spirit would 'guide us into all truth' (John 16:8). I noticed - for the first time it seems - that He didn't say that 'Greg' (my first name) would guide others into all truth. So, then, how does the Holy Spirit do that without me helping Him 'beat' the truth into someone else? I think that maybe I am to share with others what I believe, why I believe it, and why I hold that belief so dearly - and then allow God to guide my brother or sister as HE chooses to guide them. Whether or not they agree with me is not my concern - that is between them and their God.
Ever notice who Christ spent most of His time arguing with? It was not with those who disagreed with him (I'm sure there were legions of that type), but rather it was those who 'forced' others to accept their own interpretations of the Bible - i.e. the Pharisees. I DESPERATELY don't want to be a pharisee.
I am becoming more and more convinced that phariseeism is not just 'parading' my religion for others to see, but - and the but is MUCH worse than the parading - rather coercing others into their own form of religion by using peer pressure and fear tactics.
To use an example, do I believe Mormonism to be a wrong path? Yes. Am I obligated to share with a Mormon (or anyone else for that matter) what I believe to be the right path? Yes. Am I to force them to believe like I do? Never.
to use an example closer to home for most of us, do I believe the doctrines of Grace to be a correct interpretation of salvation? Absolutely. Am I obligated to share with others why I believe this? Absolutely (I Pet. 3:15). Am I to 'beat' others down until they agree with me? Never.
May God grant me the grace to accept that others may not agree with me - and to love them without regard of our differences.
Grace and peace,
As anyone who spends any time at all in 'blogosphere' will realize, the blogworld is a fascinating place to witness this phenomenon. There are, in blogworld, bloggers whose Biblical prowess ranges from not being able to quote John 3:16 (i.e. pretty ignorant of things Biblical) to those who are PhD or DDiv professors in Christian universities. And, as most are aware, people are often VERY defensive of their own beliefs/convictions and are easily offended when someone else disparages these strongly held beliefs.
One particular blog I frequent has, as a ground rule, 'no attacking the blogger - just the issue'. On some level, however, isn't even an attack on someone's dearly held belief an attack on that person? For instance, it is easy for me to get offended when someone refers to the doctrines of Grace as a 'radical 5-point belief'. Am I radical? I don't think I am, but others may take issue with my perception of myself. :)
At any rate, I have become keenly interested in what my responsibility is with regard to helping others along the road to Spiritual wisdom. And, over the past few weeks, as I've studied how Christ responded to similar situations, I've begun to understand that it is not my repsponsibility to make sure others have 'good doctrine' - that's God's responsibility. Christ said that the Holy Spirit would 'guide us into all truth' (John 16:8). I noticed - for the first time it seems - that He didn't say that 'Greg' (my first name) would guide others into all truth. So, then, how does the Holy Spirit do that without me helping Him 'beat' the truth into someone else? I think that maybe I am to share with others what I believe, why I believe it, and why I hold that belief so dearly - and then allow God to guide my brother or sister as HE chooses to guide them. Whether or not they agree with me is not my concern - that is between them and their God.
Ever notice who Christ spent most of His time arguing with? It was not with those who disagreed with him (I'm sure there were legions of that type), but rather it was those who 'forced' others to accept their own interpretations of the Bible - i.e. the Pharisees. I DESPERATELY don't want to be a pharisee.
I am becoming more and more convinced that phariseeism is not just 'parading' my religion for others to see, but - and the but is MUCH worse than the parading - rather coercing others into their own form of religion by using peer pressure and fear tactics.
To use an example, do I believe Mormonism to be a wrong path? Yes. Am I obligated to share with a Mormon (or anyone else for that matter) what I believe to be the right path? Yes. Am I to force them to believe like I do? Never.
to use an example closer to home for most of us, do I believe the doctrines of Grace to be a correct interpretation of salvation? Absolutely. Am I obligated to share with others why I believe this? Absolutely (I Pet. 3:15). Am I to 'beat' others down until they agree with me? Never.
May God grant me the grace to accept that others may not agree with me - and to love them without regard of our differences.
Grace and peace,
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